Elyasheev Leibtag

I am currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Technion, Haifa.
Where I joined the Ramanujan machine team, led by Ido Kaminer .
My research focuses on exploring how modern computational tools can enhance and assist mathematical discoveries.
I completed my PhD in Mathematics at the Weizmann Institute, Faculty of Mathematics, where I was extremely fortunate to be advised by Uri Bader.
Before coming to Weizmann, I completed my B.Sc. in Mathematics at the Hebrew University (HUJI), where I also studied Computer Science.
My "pure math" research interests broadly lie in the dynamics and geometry of infinite groups.
In particular, I am interested in Lie groups and in algebraic groups over topological fields and rings. Currently, I am interested in the theory of high dimensional expanders (HDX).
Homomorphic images of algebraic groups.
Uri Bader, Elyasheev Leibtag
[Journal of Algebra]
(special volume in honor of Jacques Tits) -
Semi-group compactifications of Algebraic Groups.
Elyasheev Leibtag